Spurs News

The new Bruce Grobbelaar!!!

Image for The new Bruce Grobbelaar!!!

Reports are claiming that Tottenham are close to sealing the signing of PSV keeper Heurelho Gomes.

27 year old Gomes has certainly received mixed opinion regarding his ability. The Brazilian is loved by PSV fans for his outstanding shot stopping, strong command of his area and eccentric behaviour.

Spurs fans, while admitting that the brilliance of Gomes knocked us (and Robbie Keane) out of last seasons UEFA Cup with some outstanding reflex saves, they also watched in amazement at his style of play which must leave his supporters nervous wrecks at times…

Is Gomes the type of keeper we need? Is he any better that Paul Robinson? Personally I would say a definite maybe to the former but yes to the latter. Gomes does fill me with dread that he will make stupid mistakes, but in truth his record doesn’t back this up.

Do Tottenham fans purely judge Gomes on his performances against us last season? In truth I think this must be the case.

Gomes has an outstanding record at PSV who have built a great reputation for a solid defence in recent seasons and Gomes has played a huge part in this with a record of 60% of games ending with clean sheets, which even in Dutch football is quite outstanding.

I like many other fans am naturally concerned at the prospect of Juande Ramos bringing in a keeper who appears to be a gambler between the sticks and is equally eccentric. preferring the safe reliable Ray Clemence to the madcap style of Bruce Grobbelaar.

In several posts and articles on this site I have compared Gomes with Grobbelaar, but in fairness to both, they are/were outstanding keepers, Brave, with quite brilliant reflexes and weren’t afraid to take risks in commanding their penalty area.

The plus points for Gomes almost certainly outweigh the negatives, with recent seasons of defensive suicide, are we all looking for the safe pair of hands, not the clown.

Surely we should believe in Ramos to bring in who he feels will be the best for the role, he will inevitably make errors, but in Gomes we may well have a keeper who in mixing the brilliance, the eccentric with the odd mistake will at least be entertaining… and this is what football is about, Isnt it????

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